In viewing nature as an integral part of human existence, I see manifest the vital power of the seed as universal energy, the weed as life-force, the herb as medicine, the vine as cyclical time and creative force. At the same time, the invasive aspect of modern technology is often present in the work (electrical wire, computer circuit boards, etc.) calling out in a stirring manner to alert us. I find it ironical that Nature as the source from which many modern world goods are made, is incrementally destroyed by human activity.


Transrational Red

electrical wire, cayenne peppers

H. 120″  W. 6″




Transrational Green (left) and Transrational Yellow (right)

electrical wire, freeze-dried green beans, dired corn

H. 108″  W.  variable

NFS – Transrational Green
$1800 – Transrational Yellow


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Homage to Native Corn

graphite, colored pencil, red-dyed corn, thread

H. 23″  W. 30″  D. 2.5″

$4500 – framed



The Word Ladder In An Other Language

wild kudzu vine, electrical wire, walking cane, reeds

H. 30′  W. 3.5′




Reframing the Square

electrical wire, vines, plant material, wood

H. 30″  W. 28″  D. 8″



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Reframing the Meddling Intellect

electrical wire, vines, plant material, wood

H. 32″  W. 30″  D. 8″





electrical wire, forsythia

H. 39″  W. 84″  D. 5″






Invitation to Planting

acrylic on canvas, plastic buckets, acorns, compost, hand spade

H. 72″  W. 42″ D. 18”



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Measuring Infiinty

acorn seed, cellopahne, tape measure

H. 6″  W. 7″  D.3″




Infinite Seed

acorn, cellophane, mixed media





Sow Corn Seed 4 Inches Apart, Thin to 6 Inches, Harvest When Silk Are Brown and Moist

graphite, vellum, corn seed, garden box, soil, light, water

H. 84″  W. 42″  D. 8″




Sow Corn Seed 4 Inches Apart, Thin to 6 Inches, Harvest When Silk Are Brown and Moist  (four weeks after planting)

graphite, vellum, corn seed, garden box, soil, light, water

H. 84″  W. 42″  D. 8″




The Room (UcrossFoundation, WY)

carpet of interwoven garlands of Zinzania Acquatica wild rice grass draped over forms

H.  34″  W. 216″ (18′)  D. 216″ (18′)

$18,000 plus installation

The Room

Grasses were gathered along the Shoshone River for this installation created at the UCross Foundation in Wyoming. By placing a magic carpet of woven garlands strung densely with bundles of local wild rice grasses over chairs on the manicured lawn, I was interested in challenging the assumption that wild nature is exterior to our daily
existence. I wanted to encourage viewers to consider how the wild grasses offers an ecologically-attuned, psychological sanctuary in comparison in the interior rooms of our furnished homes. That the chairs face each other suggests that this nature-integrated space maycreate a space more inviting and conducive to dialogue. For me, “the Room” is a kind of Space For Peace.



The Room (Providence, Rhode Island)

carpet of interwoven garlands of Zinzania Acquatica wild rice grass draped over forms

H.  30″  W. 216″ (18′)  D. 216″ (18′)

$18,000 plus installation




wild coastal grasses, wood

h. 72” L. 108” W. 30”



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Motor Oil and Medicinals

blown glass, motor oil, home-grown healing herbs

H. 7″  diam 14″


Statement-Motor Oil and Medicinals

The motor oil and herbs occupy a bowl conjuring for us: soup. We are presented with a new imposed sustenance: motor oil. I grew these herbs in my garden and sacrificed them to the oil gods, as the need for oil rapidly destroys roots of what could sustain us. Our efforts to salvage the once sacred regenerative processes are drowned.

The Herbs:
Betony and Alkanet, blood cleansers;
Lawn Daisy, heals wounds;
Sorrel, apply to infected wound;
Lemon Grass Oil, cleanses oily skin;
Garlic, chelates heavy metals;
Echinicea, immune system builder, fights infection, promotes wound healing;
Parsley, poultice for wound healing and antiseptic dressing;
Horsetail, poultice for healing wounds and ulcers, improves circulation;
Lupine, has a role in absorbing radiation.



Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright   installation detail/leopard sofa   (Roger Williams Botanical Garden, Providence, Rhode Island)

park bench, fake fur, lipstick cases, wood lipsticks, bullet cases

average size park bench

4-piece installation: $11,000 without park benches; $14,000 (with park benches)




Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright   installation detail/leopard trellis   (Roger Williams Botanical Garden, Providence, Rhode Island)

steel rod, paint, morning glory and purple runner bean vines

H. 3′  L. 9′  W. 3″

4-piece installation: $11,000 without park benches; $14,000 (with park benches)



Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright   installation detail/zebra sofa detail   (Roger Williams Botanical Garden, Providence, Rhode Island)

park bench, fake fur, lipstick cases, wooden lipsticks, bullet cases

average size park bench

4-piece installation: $11,000 without park benches; $14,000 (with park benches)



Untitled (Self-Portrait 1995)

bandages, plaster, branches

H. 70″  W.  16″  D. 8″


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